Director Message For Students

Director Message

I have the greatest satisfaction of serving the cause of higher education through Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College Sarhali It was the vision and dream of our forefather Sant Baba Tara Singh ji to provide and equip our youth with knowledge and skills that would prepare them for global opportunities.

Today I am elated to see our college serving the needs of not only the community within Tarn Taran but also the students coming from nearby places Zira Ferozepur Moga and Amritsar for varied professional courses We will not rest on our laurels but continue to enhance the quality of higher education by collaborating with experts from across the globe We will pursue every path to justify you as leader in higher education.

As Education is an investment in future It not only broadens the horizons of an individual’s thinking, but opens up possibilities for the collective growth of community nation and civilized world of mankind.

To ensure that the students are able to face any challenge, the college has various value added programmes and personality development classes. Giving back to society is an integral part of the vision of institute. Students are encouraged to participate in community service programmes NSS and NCC that they may contribute to the welfare of society that they live in.

Thankyou for choosing Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa Colege Sarhali Welcome on a journey of learning that is both fruitful and fun Here you will not only acquire knowledge but make memories and relationships that you will cherish and will last a life time.

S Ranjit Singh

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